Spiritual Consultancy

Spiritual Consultant Acharya Romilla

My Way To Offer Healing

How as Acharya Romilla, Spiritual Consultant and Spiritual Healer

I try to bring about the transformative change in people


Hey, I am excited to share with you the way I do Spiritual Consultancy!

I am a Spiritual healer, a counselor sort of, some may call me spiritual teacher.

Many are happy with me and I am happy with their transformation.

People come to take my help on the issues they face in their lives:

(for every issue—physical, emotional, relationship, financial or career)

Though I am Acharya Romilla, as I am also a Kriyacharya in Babaji’s Kundalini Kriya Yoga, some close ones also call me by my nickname is ‘Mano’ (christened by my parents)

I received a super message from one of the persons I offered Healing to

“This is incredible! After nearly 40 days in ICU! Miraculous indeed! Thanks for your prayers Mano”

It feels so good…But it’s not mine, I thank Mother supreme for guiding me in this field to serve! I love to follow her and serve. I serve with my full heart…I serve with my soul…

What is the purpose of a spiritual consultant and consultancy? The purpose is only to help one grow and transform and align with the supreme consciousness, for the betterment of self and betterment of many.

1. Looking Back in the past

Humans today are all passing thru various challenges.

The reasons may be many. But as a spiritual consultant, it is my duty (dharma) to delve deep into his life. Yes some of the challenges we pass thru is because of Karma and the best tools I use is to see the date in which the person is born, his natal chart and refer to my Tarot cards- This gives me a knowledge about the energy pattern the person is born with and what planets are at the moment ruling him.

After deciphering this my next approach as a spiritual counselor is to listen to his side of his life story and my mind starts ticking for solutions.

2. Communicating with my client

In today’s world, we are becoming so very self-absorbed, that we do not have time to listen to our dear & near ones even.

This I believe has led to many relationship issues. I will say that the relationship issues are not only between husband and wife or girlfriend and boyfriend but it has long-drawn-out to relationships between parents and children, between siblings, between friends between colleagues, between society, and on the large extent men with mother earth, oops I think I am going far, but its true… Lack of communication is resulting in many illnesses.

We are not only lost the art of speaking to other fellow human beings, but we have lost communication with our soul mind and body too… we have lost communication with mother nature so our true nature is affected. Thus, I believe

 “A Good Communication (be it with anyone) is based on an open heart approach,
Spiritual Healing starts to take place”

Therefore, when a patient comes to me, I listen to him or her, and I believe the flow begins.

3. My approach to Spiritual Healing

With the guidance of the Divine blessing of the higher powers, I am showered with many modalities and I am certified in them too. After my initial analysis and communicating with my client, I amalgamate some of my dynamic healing techniques which I have been applying from many years with great success… Again, I humbly thank God for all the success and I thank all those who were there to guide to me as they trusted and believed in me.

“Thank You Romilla for all your spiritual guidance
and on the spiritual cover on my health, Thank You so much”



It feels so good on getting testimonials like this from my clients.

Having learned many techniques and modalities always assist me to find the right spiritual and energy healing technique that will help that particular client to overcome his current challenge, and it works! Whether you are in South Delhi, Delhi anywhere in India or any part of the world and you are looking genuinely for a solution to your life issue, please do not hesitate to contact me in any way thru the mail, a call or text, I will be more than enough to serve you. I also offer to heal thru distance.

I am really grateful & thankful to all my teachers and Gurus and Spiritual Masters in bestowing me these various modalities.

4. Empowering the individual

As a Spiritual Counsellor and as a Spiritual Healer I feel just spiritual Counselling and Spiritual healing is not enough. One needs to go further.

Challenges should not reoccur again. For this empowering the individual is a must.

I, therefore, do various spiritual discourse thru my spiritual seminars and encourage people to participate so that they themselves can learn various techniques and help themselves and their near and dear once to stay fit, fine and healthy in the dimensions of mind, body and spirit.

Learning the power of the sun and the power of kundalini breathing which I teach in my seminars people have shown tremendous improvement in their life.

5. My tips to you

As a Spiritual Consultant, counselor and teacher let me give you some quick tips

  1. Take time to always smile
  2. Take time to talk with self, with family, friends, and nature
  3. Follow your heart
  4. Do not judge others
  5. learn some methods of healing, it helps
  6. Drop the baggage of the past
  7. Follow some passion it helps to ignite the flow.
  8. Consult some good astrologer to understand your strengths
  9. Accept the yin yang of life
  10. And take time to help others.
  11. Allow manifestations to happen with Patience.

I am looking forward to serving you… May the mother supreme bless you as always.

Contact: acharyaromilla@gmail.com

Mobile: 9811024934