You will be amazed to know that Kriya Yoga
can activate the higher centers of yourself

This morning while I was at the gym, my instructor Mishra ji asked me to shut my eyes and balance myself with feet apart for a full 5 minutes. After a lot of stumbling I found that I could manage to hold myself just for a couple of seconds, then of course he painstakingly explained that it was the brain which had to be conditioned rightly. Driving back home, I reasoned out that to coordinate every part of the body, the various parts of the brain was required to work and on a daily basis, mindful meditation was required every minute.

Thus more of a scientific explanation of Kriya Yoga was required and how the 3 levels of the brain help us in integrating the Self! I felt that this was required to be put forth and this is how this blog was born.

Hi, I am Acharya Romilla

Those who are reading this blog for the first time, let me briefly introduce myself. Hello, I am Acharya Romilla, I am a Kriya Yoga Acharya Teacher in Delhi. I take Kriya Yoga Workshop in Delhi.

Kriya Yoga is Raj Yoga

Yes it is true, Kriya yoga is Raj yoga, Patanjali advocated the 8 limbs of self-discipline: yam, niyam, asana, pranayama, pratyahar, dharna, dhyan and samadhi. So, then Kriya yoga takes you through all these stages and opens you to Samadhi — absorption into the absolute.

Kriya Yoga can activate the higher centers

As agreed both by the yogis and the scientific mind that we use only 20% of the brain in our daily functions and we have to activate the higher centers and we could simulate the rest through Kriya Yoga.

Three Parts of a Human Brain

A brief in depth explanation of the brain function may be required! Dr Paul Maclean of the NIMH, USA has put to light the functions of the brain which could be divided into 3 areas corresponding to 3 parts, Reptilian, mammalian and human, each having its own intelligent memory.

Reptilian Part

Reptilian part includes the medulla oblongata and is our waking and conscious self. Here our basic desires like living, eating, mating, sleeping reside just like the properties of the mooladhar and swadisthan chakras

Mammalian Part

Mammalian part includes the limbic system correspond to the desires of the manipur and anahat chakras and emotions and behavior reside here – love, pain, joy, fright, fear, rage arise on its stimulation.

Human Part

The Human part is the neocortex at work represented by the frontal lobes of the brain, responsible for knowledge, self-awareness and higher consciousness, intuition, speculation, creativity

Kriya Yoga transcends the lower centre

Kriya Yoga transcends the lower centers of the energy. Scientific and Yogic research have confirmed the frontal lobes used during Kriya Yoga activate both the left and right brain equally in a balanced way to get the best results spiritually and physically. It may open new doorways for the amazing potential inside you.

Become a Kriya Yogi

So, let’s get going and make the best of our lives, become a Kriya Yogi…

If you wish to learn Kriya Yoga and advance your spiritual journey you may get the information by clicking here!

Best wishes always


